We are looking for complex stories, poems, and essays. Our focus is literary work. We love unexpected poetic language and a bit of magic realism. We are seeking work that features well-rounded female characters. We welcome all authors and their words with one caveat — if you can sum up your female characters in one line (or worse yet: one word), our publication is probably not for you.
For quarterly publications, we are looking for work that is 1500 words or less. There is no minimum word count.
We are looking for previously unpublished work but have made exceptions. Please reach out to discuss if you have a previously published work that you think might be a good fit.
We are a small magazine with volunteer readers, yet we are committed to compensating writers for their work. We pay authors $15 per published piece in the quarterly journal. This in no way reflects the value of the author’s work but merely the amount we are able to pay from submission fees.
We Could Almost Touch It, aims to amplify the voices of women and delve into the state of women since the 2016 presidential election. Similar to our Featured Abortion Stories, this series is designed to provide a platform for women to share their experiences and stories.
Throughout this year, we will be accepting submissions and publishing essays, memoir excerpts, creative nonfiction, poetry, zines, artwork and visual essays on a rolling basis. In 2025, we plan to compile a collection of work from this series into a book that documents our experiences, aspirations, and struggles. By submitting your work for online publication, you will also be eligible for possible publication in the printed anthology.
We are actively seeking original work that narrates our journeys toward genuine equality while highlighting the impact of inequality on our lives and outlining our efforts to resist and combat it.
We invite all of you to submit your work. For this special series, we will waive all submission fees. You are also invited to join our community of writers and readers by signing up for our newsletter and following us on social media.
- Work must cover at least one of the themes: women's rights, losses since the 2016 election, and what will turn things around.
- Essays, memoir excerpts, and CNF be up to 1500 words in length. Poetry with special formatting may be challenging to reproduce on our webpage but would still be considered for the print publication. Artwork should fit well on one trade publication page.
- We can accept previously published work as long as the rights have reverted back to the author. Please let us know where and how to credit the first publication.
- Writers may choose to publish anonymously.
There is no fee for submission.
Please submit your work in a single document. Work should be previously unpublished.
Simultaneous submissions are welcomed but please let us know if your work is accepted elsewhere.
Fiction and Nonfiction: Maximum word count is 1500 words. Please include the word count and title in your document.
Poetry: Please submit one to three poems in a single document. If special formatting is required, please send it as a pdf. Please note, that we may not be able to reproduce special formatting on the web and mobile versions of your poem but will attach a PDF.
Thank you for sharing your words with us.